RSFC Communication Protocol- Incidents and Issues

RSFC Communication Protocol- Incidents and Issues

Communication Protocol

The club hopes that a clear communication protocol will provide the club's members a standardized mechanism for raising their questions and concerns. River Surge FC Board of Directors believes that to effectively operate our organization, it is important that the club establish communication protocols that best support the efficiency of the organization while retaining the personal touch that our members deserve.



The Board will promote and support the Communication protocol for the discussion and resolution of incidents and issues.

Provide a quick way of addressing concerns in a manner that is fair to the parents, coaches, directors and volunteers.

Provide good communication to members.

Provide an atmosphere where concerns can be raised without concern of negative repercussions to a player or family.


Communication is essential for players, parents, coaches and teams to be successful. Throughout the year, the Coach and Manager (if applicable-age appropriate) will often communicate information, including but not limited to, practices, games, team meetings and functions via email or other means.  Please take ownership of reading and following up on communications from your team coach or manager.  We find many questions coaches spend time answering were already answered in some communication. 


We also ask that any questions about practices, games, playing time, status on the team, etc. be directed to the Coach.  When engaging the coach please abide by the 24 hour rule laid out in the Parent/Player Expectations.  Feel free to ask questions if you are unsure or need clarification from the Coach. Managers and other parents on the team are not involved with these decisions - only the Coach. 

How to Discuss Concerns or Problems


In any team sport, concerns and/or conflicts will arise and there will be a time when a Parent must be heard. Prior to communicating with the Coach(es), please ask yourself –

Is my concern or comment true?

Does my concern or comment directly involve my child?

Is my concern or comment helpful?

Is my concern or comment genuine?

If YES, please follow the Communication Protocol outlined below:

1. “Cooling Off Period” – wait 24 hours prior to contacting the Coach(es). This allows for time to calm down, evaluate your concerns, and proceed with effective communication.

2. NEVER interrupt practice or approach the coach after a game.

3. Email or phone call to set up a time to communicate with the coach.

4. Face-to-face communication for personal concerns.


After communicating with the Coach and if you feel your concern was not properly addressed by the Coach, please follow the communication escalation procedure below.

Escalation Process


1st Escalation (after coach)

2nd Escalation

3rd Escalation


5u/6u Program Owner

Incidents and Issues Committee (email)

Incident and Issues Committee


Academy Director

Director of Coaching (email)

Incident and Issues Committee


Recreation Commissioner

Director of Coaching (email)

Incident and Issues Committee

Competitive (Classic/State/etc.)

Classic Commissioner

Director of Coaching (email)

Incident and Issues Committee

General Incident/Issue

Incident and Issues Committee


Note: The Incidents and Issues process can be found in RSFC Policy and Procedures on the RSFC Website.



2nd Escalation- Please write the DOC at

3rd Escalation-  Please fill out the RSFC Incident and Issue form to escalate your issue. 

Communication Time Frame/Expectations

Feedback and responsiveness to player and parent communications is part of setting a good example and contribute to the type of experience that players have. Thus, coaches, managers and Board Members must respond to email messages or phone calls from players or parents within a reasonable time frame.  That would normally be within 2-3 days of the player or parent outreach.  Text messages should not be used for first contact in resolving issues/concerns.  The coach/manager/escalation contact may not have every answer available to questions/issues raised, but will follow up with the player or parent to acknowledge the communications and will follow up in a timely manner with the answer if not immediately known.   If the coach does not know how to answer the matter, he or she should reach out to the DOC or VP of Soccer for additional advice or guidance.

Responsiveness to questions or concerns raised set an example and how RSFC officials (coach, team manager, board member) respond to communications demonstrates their respect and sensitivity to player or parent matters brought to their attention.  Communications not addressed by the coach may be escalated by the parent (for himself/herself or player issues unresolved) using the club escalation process as described above.